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How I got through my Stem Cell Transplant (30 days of Joy)

Writer's picture: Craig PriebeCraig Priebe

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

You wouldn't expect to find incredible joy, bliss and wisdom stuck in a hospital room having an extreme a procedure as a stem cell transplant. But I did exactly that. I certainly did not expect that either. Checking into the hospital the first day, I was scared shitless! Worried about so many things. How am I going to make it in here for at least 30 days? How is it going to go? Am I going to have a terrible reaction to this procedure? Apparently, there were some big risks. Cell rejection, Graft versus host disease and a lot of other issues that were very scary going in. I was worried about going crazy in that little room for so long too. Importantly, I went into this with some High Vibe Strategies that I intended to employ as soon as I arrived. I'd like to share them with you and then I have a short video to show you how I did it.

First off, I know the hospital room is very drab. Virtually no color in that room except grey. I know that colors bring high vibes which is essential to your well being. So I brought in 6 beautiful vibrant, color popping tapestries which only cost me 12 bucks each! I immediately turned my room into a deep green forest. Placing a gorgeous deep forest scene over the main window which overlooked a lovely view of air conditioners on a grey roof. This brought great peace and changed the vibe of that room instantly. When the sunlight shown through that forest it looked as if I could walk right into a serene green forest. At night it looked even more 3 dimensional and brought me great peace as I lay there alone in the middle of the night. I placed a beautiful Arabesque vibrant tapestry behind my bed which brought high vibes raining down into my bed. I only used the bed to sleep in at night or if I was doing some procedure for the doctors. I always stayed out of the bed preferring to sit up and stay busy, playing bongos, singing songs I made up, playing ukulele, reading interesting books, such as The Code of the Extraordinary Mind , by Vishen Lakhiani. I kept the television off the entire time I was there. There are so many negative vibes with TV, so I avoided it. I placed other colorful high vibe tapestries over every surface I could. These colorful vibes were amazing and changed the very essence of the room, giving it a great high vibe.

I brought in instruments to make A LOT of noise. I had a triangle instrument which I rang out loud every morning to waken my senses or whenever some negative vibes occurred. I had two tambourines which I played all the time and shook them hard whenever I felt overwhelmed with some bad vibes. I played a set of bongos to high vibe music for at least two hours every morning. I finally had to stop playing the bongos when my doctor said my blood platelets were too low, which is part of the treatment, and if I banged these bongos I could bleed internally! Then I relied on turning up my speakers so loud with the highest vibe music I could find. Hospital rooms are very sound insulated so I never received any complaints. Instead I was surprised that other people including nurses and other patients would stop by my door just to enjoy the high vibes that positive music create. I received many compliments for the great music I played.

I had an Indian doctor that introduced me to an interesting Indian drum called a damru which I purchased immediately because I didn't have to hit it to make it sound off. It is a shake drum that has two ropes on each side of it. When you play it it sounds like fire crackers going off in rapid succession, I loved that noise. I took many stuffed toy friends into the room with me. Being child like is an incredible high vibe way to be. I had Kermit the frog, 12 colorful Gnomes, 2 kittens and a lemur keeping me company at all times. I was hooked up to an IV pole the entire time that I was in the hospital. I let these guys ride on the pole as I walked around the loop on the floor of the hospital.

I walked one mile three times daily around that floor no matter how I felt. Three miles a day! I never stopped MOVING. Everyone was quite surprised that a stem cell patient on so much chemotherapy that my entire immune system was destroyed could walk so much. I saw it as a great escape. It was amazing and helped me a lot. Some days I could walk faster than others , but I never stopped. This was critical. I had some semblance of a meditation practice when I walked into that room. But my practiced deepened as I was in the room. I had hours to meditate and I did it for hours at a time. I was so surprised at how fast time passed when in deep meditation. Hours passed like minutes. I learned from the best. Jose Silvas book, Silva Mind Control Method, which was highly recommended by Vishen Lakhiani, founder of I became a member at, which is the most amazing place to learn self empowerment and self awareness skills, which I practiced daily as I learned them.

All of these things brought me great joy, in the middle of the most difficult thing I have ever been through in my life, I learned so much. This is Kencha, bringing out the golden nuggets and great learning through suffering! It did suck a lot going through all of the procedures, and being in the hospital for so long. But I had achieved another level of joy and introspection that I never thought I would ever achieve in there. It was amazing and I powered through like a CHAMP!

Also, I never had any side effects from the chemo , other than losing my hair. I ate a lot of food and had no issues with that, which was surprising to my doctors. I really blew their minds in many ways!

Before I knew it I was on my way home, so much braver and stronger than I've ever been in my life.

I suggest these approaches to daily life. Raise your vibes! Color your world. Make some noise! and find the time to be still and quiet also in meditation. Your life may change with incredible results.

It's High Vibe Time!

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